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SuperDuperDB provides a range of configurable options for setting up your environment:

Configurations can either be injected:

  • in a YAML file specified by the SUPERDUPERDB_CONFIG_FILE environment variable or
  • through environment variables starting with SUPERDUPERDB_:
  • as **kwargs when calling the superduperdb.superduper function (note this is only for development purposes).

Here are the configurable settings and their project defaults (remaining configurations can be viewed in superduperdb.base.config). Note that as much or as little of this configuration can be specified. The remaining configurations will then take on their default values.

# Where large data blobs/ files are saved
artifact_store: filesystem://<path-to-artifact-store>

# How to encode binary data
bytes_encoding: Bytes
# bytes_encoding: Base64

# Settings pertaining to cluster mode

# change data capture
strategy: null

# (optional) How to connect to the service
uri: None
# uri: http://<host>:<port>

# ray compute settings

# (optional) How to connect to a ray service
uri: None
# uri: ray://<host>:<port>

# vector-search settings

# (optional) How to connect to the service
uri: None
# uri: http://<host>:<port>
backfill_batch_size: 100

# (optional) REST API settings (experimental)

# How to connect to the service
uri: None
# uri: http://<host>:<port>

config: None
# config: path/to/rest_config.yaml

# The base database you would like to connect to
data_backend: <databackend-uri>

# Settings pertaining to downloading data from URIs
folder: null
User-Agent: me
n_workers: 0
timeout: null

# Settings for randomly assigning train/valid folds
fold_probability: 0.05

# Where lance indexes will be saved
lance_home: .superduperdb/vector_indices

# Log level to be shown to stdout
log_level: INFO

logging_type: SYSTEM

# Database to save meta-data in (defaults to `data_backend`)
metadata_store: null

# Settings for failed API requests
stop_after_attempt: 2
wait_max: 10.0
wait_min: 4.0
wait_multiplier: 1.0

As an example, to reconfigure the URI of the data_backend we have two options:

A configuration file .superduperdb/config.yaml with this content only:

data_backend: mongodb://localhost:27018/documents

... or

$ export SUPERDUPERDB_DATA_BACKEND='mongodb://localhost:27018/documents'

You may view the configuration used by the system with:

python -m superduperdb config