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There are two ways to get started:


superduperdb is available on


Before you begin the installation process, please make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Operating System​

superduperdb is compatible with several Linux distributions, including:

  • MacOS
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian

Python Ecosystem​

If you plan to install SuperDuperDB from source, you'll need the following:

  • python3.10 or python3.11
  • pip 22.0.4 or later

Your experience with superduperdb on Linux may vary depending on your system and compute requirements.


To install superduperdb on your system using pip, open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install superduperdb

This command will install superduperdb along with a minimal set of common dependencies required for running the framework. If you would like to use the superduperdb.ext subpackages (e.g. superduperdb.ext.openai), you may build a requirements file with this command:

python3 -m superduperdb requirements <list-of-extensions> > requirements.txt

For example, this builds a requirements.txt file for openai and torch:

python3 -m superduperdb requirements openai torch > requirements.txt

Docker Image​

Using Pre-built Images​

If you prefer using Docker, you can pull a pre-built Docker image from Docker Hub and run it with Docker version 19.03 or later:

docker run -p 8888:8888 superduperdb/superduperdb:latest

This command installs the base superduperdb image. If you want to run the ready-to-use examples, you'll need to download the required dependencies at runtime.

Building the image yourself​

For more control, you can build the Docker images yourself from the latest GitHub version as follows:

Clone the code:

git clone --branch main --single-branch --depth 1
make build_superduperdb

Developer's docker image and environment​

If you wish to use your local copy of code with a docker build, execute the following command:

make build_sandbox

You will see something like these lines in docker images:

REPOSITORY                    TAG             IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
superduperdb/sandbox latest 88ddab334d17 5 days ago 2.69GB